Friday, December 14, 2007

Clown Fish

Here is one of my Percula Clownfish guarding his anenome.


AnneRiceBowl said...

Beautiful pic! I had a saltwater tank, but I had to sell it due to...certain circumstances. I am keeping six freshwater tanks at the moment though. I subscribed, BTW!

Father Of Twins said...

Thanks for the comment. I'm still new to this blogging site. I have more to post. This tank is a 65 gallon with live rock. I only use power heads, no mechanical filters and it's been going great for several years now.

AnneRiceBowl said...

My SW tank was a mere 20 gallons, and I hadn't planned on mechanical filtration, just power heads like your setup. My tank was planned to be a macro-algae tank with shrimp. Maybe I'll try it again, but not for a few years though. I am also new to the blogging thing, at least, to this form of blogging. I have blogs on fish forums. I thought that this could give me more freedom and flexibility than on forums. It'll be interesting to see where this will take me.