Saturday, December 15, 2007

My Aquariums

This tank is my 65 gallon salt water tank. It has no mechanical or biological filtration other than the live rock, live sand, and an air driven protein skimmer. It has matured for 3 years this way and is home to 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Hippo Tang, 3 Percula and 1 Burgandy Clown Fish, 1 Royal Gramma, 1 Neon Blue Goby, 1 Cardinal Fish, 1 Manderin Dragon Fish, 1 Foxface Lo Tang, 1 Serpent Starfish, 1 Reef Lobster, 1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp a cup full of hermit crabs, and various soft corals that require only moderate light to survive.

The biological filtration is performed almost entirely by the live rock...about 80 lbs of it. This also aids in the reduction of nitrates to such a level that with water additives, I only perform water changes of 50% every two months. This has not seemed to bother the live stock. I just make sure that salinity and temperature are the same as what is in the tank.

This is my 65 gallon freshwater tank currently home to 3 LARGE Plecos, 6 Cherry Barbs, and 6 Long Finned Rosy Tetras. This tank has had some issues along the way and I have had to include a 15 watt UV sterilizer. So far no more deaths. I am keeping hearty inexpensive fish in this tank until I'm certain it's ok. This tank has matured for 3 years now and houses many different type of live plants.

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